Let’s set the scene, you have just had your new luxury carpet fitted and you couldn’t be happier with how it looks but then, only a few days later, you accidentally stain it by spilling your morning coffee. This is an extremely frustrating situation to be in but these stains can be removed.
In this blog we are going to detail the best way to remove carpet stains, all summed up in three easy to follow steps. So without further ado, let’s start with step one.
After something is spilt on the carpet, you need to act quickly in order to give yourself the best chance of removing the stain. Your first port of call is to remove the excess substances, whether they be solids or liquids.
If you are removing solids, a butter knife is recommended to scrape them off the carpet. If it is excess liquid that needs to be removed, make sure to blot the stain with an absorbent cloth. You should start from the outside of the stain and work inwards in order to ensure that it doesn’t spread further.
After the excess substances have been removed the next step is to spray the area with a carpet stain remover. There are many types of carpet stain removers available with different ones specific to certain types of stains. So for maximum benefit, choose the one that is most applicable to your stain.
Once the area has been sprayed, leave it for ten minutes to allow the remover to do its job. It is also important to make sure that too much stain remover is not applied to the area otherwise this will have a detrimental effect.
Now that the ten minutes are up, you should start to blot the area again until it is dry. Remember to blot from out to in order to ensure that the size of the area does not increase.
If these steps are followed correctly then the stain should be removed. If however a faint stain is still present, repeat steps two and three again until the stain is no longer visible.
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and we hope that it was of use to you. If you need any more information regarding the world of carpets, please do not hesitate to contact us today at Berwicks Of Horsham.
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